What is NET ZERO
Keywords: Net zero, GSMA, UN the 17 goals, cop26, climate change, mobile net zero, better future
Net zero means that the net amount of greenhouse gas produced equals the net amount removed from the atmosphere. This whole balancing act happens when you eliminate and do not replace those lost to natural decomposition. On the other hand in February 2019 the Board of the GSMA made a milestone commitment – to transform the mobile industry to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, at the latest.
Net Zero Breakthrough– As of April 2021, many companies have committed to science-based targets covering 50% of global mobile connections and 65% of the total industry revenue. A high percentage of operators are committed to reaching net zero targets by 2050 or before: 31% of global mobile connections and 36% of the industry by revenue have a net zero target, making the mobile sector one of the first to break through the 20% target set by UN’s The 17 Goals Race to Zero campaign.
Reduce carbon footprint-Recent calculations show that the carbon emissions of the mobile industry are around 220 million tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per year, which is about 0.4% of total global carbon emissions. The roll-out of a new network will create pressure on the energy usage operators use to power the new equipment over the next few years. Data will be transferred using up to 90% less energy and with the help of artificial intelligence to power down networks during quiet periods and retiring legacy equipment, as well as using electricity efficiently and smarter, it looks like we can avoid any noteworthy increases in electricity usage.
Pledge for net zero! –COP26 and beyond, the GSMA is calling on all governments to align their carbon emission targets to net zero by 2050. They also encourage all governments to create suitable energy market frameworks for businesses to access renewable electricity at competitive prices.
TTG support for NET ZERO- As TTG Int. LTD, we value and support the NET ZERO targets of the esteemed civil society and professional chambers mentioned above. We wanted to have salt in the soup, and we joined the NET ZERO journey with AI-based SYNERGY, the complementary solution so that the world can reach these goals in 2050.
Be hopeful, together for a Better Future.